We firmly believe the relationship between a mortgage broker and lender should not be taken for granted and we know client retention is the lifeline of your business.  Though we do develop a relationship with your clients through the life of a loan, the source of each loan is always top of mind and all client inquiries are always referred back to the broker.

We work with your client to ensure their best chance at success….

We are understanding of individual circumstances.  Each borrower is different, some require little contact while others may need a bit more assistance.  Such as delaying a payment for a few days from time to time, we are able to work with them to prevent not only Sierra’s NSF fees but also the Institutional NSF fees that would be applicable.

We are realistic in our approach to construction draw requests and can work with the borrower to provide the maximum draw amount available therefore assisting your client to get to completion faster.

These are just a few examples of the Advantage to working with Sierra Mortgage, you benefit and your clients benefit.  Each deal is unique and we take the time to recognize your client’s needs so when the time comes for you to move them to an institutional lender, they are happy you brought them to Sierra.